CECOP Conference on worker buy-outs

CECOP’s Conference
“Workers Buyouts – what is the cooperative advantage?”
When: from 14:30 to 15:30 (CET) | 29 November 2023
L42 venue | Brussels (Belgium)CECOP is excited to invite you to attend its conference “Workers Buyouts – what is the cooperative key to success?”, as the flagship event of its worker and social cooperatives skills campaign – #coopskills2023.2023 is the European Year of Skills. As an organisation representing cooperatives where workers have a central place, CECOP couldn’t miss this opportunity to bring the workers perspective on the topic.

After all, who has the best skills to decide about the future of their enterprise than those that make it work?

Behind worker and social cooperatives, there are women and men with a multitude of different profiles, ages, qualifications, know-how, and experiences.
On one hand, cooperative skills require going beyond self-interests and engaging with others in participatory and democratic governance, with all the challenges that this implies.

On the other hand, cooperatives provide to their worker-members, from the weakest to the most qualified profiles, more than just a job. They invest in their skills, engage in life-long learning and provide them the possibility to have a say about the future of their enterprise.

During the event, we will look at the support system provided by the cooperative movement, the know-how, technical, and human expertise it encompasses to make workers buyouts successful and sustainable in the long term.

Save the date in your agenda and register already!

The event will take place in person in the L42 venue in Rue de la Loi 42, Brussels and it will be streamed on Zoom.

Coming soon: CECOP’s campaign #coopskills2023 – Stay tuned!


All About Union Co-ops

Join us online on June 26th and July 3rd at 15.30 for two online training workshops put together by our experienced and knowledgeable trainers, Anita Mangan and Cilla Ross. Each session will last for an hour and a half.

The sessions will be held on Zoom and are free of charge, although we do ask for a donation. When booking please select either free General Admission or Donation tickets, and make sure you book for both sessions as they are different. If you are making a donation then feel free to book a free General Admission ticket for the second session.

In these two sessions we will explore the shared history of the trade union and worker co-operative movements, their joint aims to create Decent Work.

We will also look at the growing movement in the UK and the USA and how it is developing and growing.

We’ll also look at the practicalities of creating and developing union-coops, and share some tools with you.

Book now at:-

AGM – book early

If you want to stay over on Friday Sept 15th, the evening before our AGM, you are advised to book early as over 50% of Quorn’s rooms are already taken (not all by us). There are other hotels/b&bs nearby, but staying in the venue is obviously more convenient.

Our AGM has been arranged for Saturday Sept 16th 2023 at the Quorn Grange Hotel https://www.quorngrangehotel.co.uk/
88 Wood Lane, Quorn, Loughborough, LE12 8DB
Quorn Grange is owned by the GFTU

The AGM is free for all members to attend, and timings will be as below:-
10.30am    Coffee & Biscuits
11.00am    AGM
1.00pm      Buffet lunch
2.00pm      Strategy session
3.30pm      Tea & Biscuits

There is no need to book for the AGM, but if you can let us know a few days in advance that you are coming it will help with the catering arrangements. Please let us know of any dietary requirements.

We are not handling bookings for the hotel, so if you want to stay over on the Friday night you will need to book direct on 01509 412167.
We have negotiated a special rate (mention union-coops:uk when booking) of £75 b&b or £90 b&b for two sharing. The hotel can get busy at times, so you are advised to book early.

Dinner is available in the a la carte restaurant and you are welcome to join us on Friday at 7.30pm. Please let us know in advance so we can book a table. Unsurprisingly we’ll be in the bar later.

Quorn Grange Hotel
88 Wood Lane, Quorn, Loughborough, LE12 8DB
Phone: 01509 412167

AGM 2023 arrangements

Our AGM has been arranged for Saturday Sept 16th 2023 at the Quorn Grange Hotel https://www.quorngrangehotel.co.uk/
88 Wood Lane, Quorn, Loughborough, LE12 8DB
Quorn Grange is owned by the GFTU

The AGM is free for all members to attend, and timings will be as below:-
10.30am    Coffee & Biscuits
11.00am    AGM
1.00pm      Buffet lunch
2.00pm      Strategy session
3.30pm      Tea & Biscuits

There is no need to book for the AGM, but if you can let us know a few days in advance that you are coming it will help with the catering arrangements. Please let us know of any dietary requirements.

We are not handling bookings for the hotel, so if you want to stay over on the Friday night you will need to book direct on 01509 412167.
We have negotiated a special rate (mention union-coops:uk when booking) of £75 b&b or £90 b&b for two sharing. The hotel can get busy at times, so you are advised to book early.

Dinner is available in the a la carte restaurant and you are welcome to join us on Friday at 7.30pm. Please let us know in advance so we can book a table. Unsurprisingly we’ll be in the bar later.

Quorn Grange Hotel
88 Wood Lane, Quorn, Loughborough, LE12 8DB
Phone: 01509 412167

workers.coop online open meeting

The newly formed worker co-operative UK federation, workers.coop, will have an ‘all hands’ meeting on Thursday 16th February from 12.30 to 14.00. It’s for everyone involved in the work of the federation to share what they are doing, a chance for new people to find out what’s happening, and see how to get involved.

Join them to get an update on the federation. If you’re free even for just part of the time, why not join them – Zoom Link

You can register here: https://www.workers.coop/civicrm/event/info/?reset=1&id=6


New Worker Co-op Federation

The newly forming worker co-op federation is holding a series of events around the UK to explain what they are about, and how worker co-ops and worker co-operators can get involved.We at union-coops:uk are fully supportive of this new initiative, which will give a bigger voice to worker co-ops in the UK, whilst maintaining their affiliation to the UK apex body, Co-operatives UK

Weds 23rd Nov, Bristol: 18.30 – 21.00 followed by networking drinks
Mon 28th Nov, London: 9.00 – 12.00

Details of these, and future events can be found here:-

New Membership scheme

We’ve now teamed up with GoCardless to offer a revised membership scheme by continuous direct debit. All you need to do is follow the links, put in your bank details, and you will automatically be joined up, with full membership rights.

union-coops:uk is a co-operative that works to develop and promote the fully unionised worker co-op model in order to create decent work for all.
union-coops:uk is a Company Limited by Guarantee.
union-coops:uk has no shareholders, members are guarantors to the co-operative to a maximum of £1 each.
membership is open to all who support our aims. Membership will give you full voting rights at our AGM and any other special member meetings and the option to stand for election to our Board if you so choose.

Annual membership fees are £12 per annum for individuals, £25 for local organisations, and £50 for national organisations.

Go to our join-us page to sign up now

Power, Participation & Change

Preston Co-operative Education Centre are running an introduction to co-operatives. The cost is £25 for the 5 one hour sessions, which is negotiable for those on low income.

Further details, contact admin@prestoncoopeducationcentre.org or visit https://prestoncoopeducationcentre.org/

Download the PDF:-
Power, Participation & Change (2)

Intro Session
Thursday 24th November
18.30-19.30 (UK) (recording will be available)
Session 1
Saturday 26th November
14.30 – 17.30 (UK)
Session 2
Wednesday 30th November
11.30 – 15.30 (UK)
Drop in session
Wednesday 7th December
13.00 – 14.00 (UK)
Session 3
Saturday 10th December
13.00 – 16.00 (UK)